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Professor W Jones |
University of Cambridge > Department of Chemistry > Group Home |
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337 A one-pot synthesis of hybrid organo-layered double hydroxide catalyst precursors. Green Chemistry, 8, 1067-1072 (2006) (H. C. Greenwell, W. Jones, D> N. Stamires, P. O'Connnor, M. F. Brady)
336 Screening for Inclusion Compoupnds and systematic Construction of Three-Component Solids by Liquid-Assisted Grinding Angew. Chem.Int. Ed., 45, 7546-7550, (2006) (T. Friscic, A. V. Trask, W. Jones, and W. D. S. Motherwell)
335 Pharmaceutical Cocrystals: an emerging approach to physical property enhancement. MRS Bulletin, 31, 875-879 (2006) (W. Jones, W.D.S. Motherwell and A.V. Trask)
334. Glass transition temperature of Glucose, Sucrose and Trehalose: An experiment and in silico study. J. Phys. Chem. B,110, 19678, 2006. With A. Simperler, A. Kornherr, R. Chopra, P. A. Bonnet, W. D. S. Motherwell and G. Zifferer.
333. On the application of computer simulation techniques to anionic and cationic clays: A materials chemistry perspective. J. Mater. Chem., 16, 708, 2006. With C. H. Greenwell, P. V. Coveney and S. Stackhouse.
332. Studies of the effects of synthetic procedure on base catalysis using hydroxide-intercalated layer double hydroxides. Catal. Today, 114, 397, 2006. With C. H. Greenwell, P. J. Holliman, B. V. Velasco.
331. Amide Pyramidalization in Carbamazepine: A Flexibility Problem in Crystal Structure Prediction? Cryst. Growth Des., 6, 1858, 2006. With A. J. Cruz Cabeza, G. M. Day and W. D. S. Motherwell.
330. Allo-Inositol. Acta. Crystall. Sect. E, 62, o2578, 2006. With P. A. Bonnet and W. D. S. Motherwell.
329. Myo-Inositol dihydrate: a redetermination. Acta. Crystall. Sect. E, 62, o2902, 2006. With P. A. Bonnet and W. D. S. Motherwell.
328. Cocrystal formation of 4-methyl and 4-chlorobenzamide with carboxylic acids: chloro/methyl interchange and crystal structure. Cryst. Eng. Comm., 8, 545, 2006. With M. R. Edwards and W. D. S. Motherwell.
327. Correlation of melting points of inositols with hydrogen bonding patterns. Cryst. Eng. Comm., 8, 589, 2006. With A. Simperler, S. W. Watt, P. A. Bonnet and W. D. S. Motherwell.
326. Construction of solid three-component inclusion complexes of a self-assembled host via grinding. Abstracts of Papers, 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, United States, 2006. With T. Friscic and W. D. S. Motherwell.
325. In situ monitoring of crystal growth and dissolution of oriented layered double-hydroxide crystals immobilized on silicon. J. Cryst. Growth., 294, 53, 2006. With C. H. Greenwell, L. A. Bindley, P. R. Unwin, P. J. Holliman, P. V. Coveney and S. L. Barnes.
324. Oxidation of cyclooctane over metalloporphyrin-exchanged Al, Si-mesoporous molecular sieves of HMS (MMS) type. App. Catal., A: Gen., 313, 106, 2006. With L. Matachowski, K. Pamin, J. Poltowicz, E. M. Serwicka and R. Mokaya.
323. Screening for crystalline salts via mechanochemistry. Chem. Comm., 1: 51-53, 2006. With D. A. Haynes, A. V. Trask, W. S. D. Motherwell.
322. Investigating the latent polymorphism of maleic acid. Chem. Comm., 1: 54-56, 2006. With G.M. Day, A. V.Trask, W. S. D. Motherwell.
321. Understanding the influence of polymorphism on phonon spectra: Lattice dynamics calculations and terahertz spectroscopy of carbamazepine. J. Phys. Chem., 110: 447 - 456, 2006. With G. M. Day, J. A. Zeitler, T. Rades, P. F. Taday.
320. Synthesis, characterisation and anion exchange properties of copper, magnesium, zinc and nickel hydroxy nitrates. J. Solid State Chem., 179: 49-55, 2006. With T. Biswick, A. Pacula, E. Serwicka.
319. Pamoic acid determined from powder diffraction data. Acta Crystallogr. Sect E, 62: O1170-O1172, 2006. With D.A. Haynes, J. Van de Streek, J. C. Burley and W. D. S Motherwell.
(Top)318. 4-Methyl-3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid-dimethyl sulfoxide. Acta Cryst. Sect. E, 61: O1100-O1102, 2005. With A. V. Trask, M. Abthorpe.
317. Beyond the isotropic atom model in crystal structure prediction of rigid molecules: Atomic multipoles versus point charges. Cryst. Growth Des., 5: 1023-1033, 2005. With G. M. Day, W. S. D. Motherwell.
316. Pharmaceutical cocrystallization: Engineering a remedy for caffeine hydration. Cryst. Growth Des., 5: 1013-1021 , 2005. With A.V. Trask, W. S. D. Motherwell.
315. Hydrate formation in NH+-containing salts of pharmaceutically acceptable anions: A CSD survey. Cryst. Eng. Comm., 7: 342-345, (2005). With D. A.Haynes, W. S. D. Motherwell.
314. Preparation and characterisation of Li-Al-glycine layered double hydroxides (LDHs)-polymer nanocomposites. Macro. Mol. Symp., 222: 65, 2005. With N. Kottegoda.
313. The important role of solvent vapor in an organic solid state reaction. Chem. Comm.3808-3810, 2005. With S. Nakamatsu, S. Toyota, F. Toda.
312. Occurrence of pharmaceutically acceptable anions and cations in the Cambridge structural database. J. Pharm. Sci., 94: 2111-2120, 2005. With D. A. Haynes, W. S. D. Motherwell.
311. A systematic study of lutidine salts formed with the pharmaceutically acceptable salt-forming agent, pamoic acid. Cryst. Eng. Comm., 7: 538-543, 2005. With D. A. Haynes, W. S. D. Motherwell.
310. Crystal engineering of organic cocrystals by the solid-state grinding approach. Org. Sol. State React. Top. Current Chem., 54: 41, 2005. With A. V. Trask.
309. Achieving polymorphic and stoichiometric diversity in cocrystal formation: Importance of solid-state grinding, powder X-ray structure determination, and seeding . Cryst. Growth Des., 5: 2233-2241, 2005. With A. V. Trask, J. Van de Streek, W. S. D. Motherwell.
308. A study on the synthesis of spherical colloidal TPA-silicalite-1 using acidic promoters. MOLECULAR SIEVES: FROM BASIC RESEARCH TO INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS, PTS A AND B STUDIES IN SURFACE SCIENCE AND CATALYSIS, 158: 319, 2005. With M. H. Kim, M. Lee, I. M. Kang, Y. Song
307. 3,5-Dinitrobenzoic acid-dimethyl sulfoxide. Acta Crystallogr., E61: O609, 2005. With A. V. Trask and M. Abthorpe.
306. Selective polymorph transformation via solvent-drop grinding. Chem Commun., (7): 880, 2005. With A. V. Trask, N. Shan, W. D. S. Motherwell, S. H. Feng, R. B. H. Tan and K. J. Carpenter.
305. Hydrogen bonding preference of equatorial versus axial hydroxyl groups in pyran and cyclohexane rings in organic crystals. Cryst. Eng. Comm., 7: 71, 2005. With P. A. Bonnet, J. Chisholm, W. D. S. Motherwell.
(Top)304. Supramolecular synthon competition in organic sulfonates: A CSD survey. CystEngComm., 6: U1, 2004. With D. A. Haynes, J. A. Chisholm and W. D. S. Motherwell.
303. Assessment of lattice energy minimisation for the prediction of molecular organic crystal structures. Cryst Growth Des., 4: 1327, 2004. With G. M. Day, J. Chishom, N. Shan and W. D. S. Motherwell.
302. A molecular dynamics simulation of the melting points and glass transition temperatures of myo- and neo-inositol. J Chem. Phys., 121: 9565, 2004. With S. W. Watt, J. A. Chisholm and S. Motherwell.
301. The crystal structure of an unstable polymorph of beta-D-Allose. CystEngComm., 6:535, 2004. With P. A. Bonnet, J. van de Streek, A. V. Trask, W. D. S. Motherwell.
300. Cyclohexene oxidation by Fe-, Co-, and Mn-metalloporphyrins supported on aluminated mesoporous silica. Appl Catal A - Gen., 275: 9, 2004. With E. M. Serwicka, J. Poltowicza, K.T. Bahranowski and Z. Olejniczak.
299. 2-(p-Nitrophenoxy)tetrahydropyran. Acta Cryst., E60: O1923, 2004. With R. Chopra, N.Shan and W.D.S. Motherwell.
298. Indomethacin methyl ester. Acta Cryst., E60: O508, 2004. With A.V. Trask and N. Shan.
297. Solvent-drop grinding: green polymorph control of cocrystallisation. Chem. Commun., 7, 890, 2004. With A. V. Trask and W. D. S. Motherwell
296. Preparation of a new hybrid organic/inorganic material by cholina intercalation into molybdenum bronzes. Bol Soc Esp Ceram. , 43, 426, 2004. With P. Benito, F.M. Labajos and P. Moreno.
2003 (Top)
295. A green chemistry approach to the synthesis of a crystalline organic inclusion compound. Green Chem., 5, 728, 2003. With N. Shan.
294. The structure of cyclohexane-1, 3cis, 5cis-tricaboxylic acid, determined from powder X-rat diffraction data . Cryst. Eng., 6, 57, 2003. With H. Nowell, N. Shan, T. P. Attfield and W. D. S. Motherwell.
293. Identification of supramolecular templates: design of solid-state photoreactivity using structural similarity. Tetrahedron Lett., 44, 3687, 2003. With N. Shan.
292. A density functional theory study of catalytic trans-esterification by tert-butoxide MgAl anionic clays. J. Phys. Chem., B107, 3476, 2003. With C. H. Greenwell, S. Stackhouse, P. V. Coveney.
291. Quinolinium fumarate. Acta Cryst., E59, 397, 2003. With N. Shan and E. Bachelor
290. Computer simulation of interlayer arrangement in cinnamate intercalated layered double hydroxides. J. Mol. Struct., 647, 75, 2003. C. H. Greenwell, S. P. Newman and P. V. Coveney.
289. Supramolecular architectures of cyclohexane-1, 3cis, 5cis-tricarboxylic acid in acid : base complexes . New J. Chem., 27, 365-371, 2003. With N. Shan and A. D. Bond.
(Top)288. Cocrystal structures of 4,7-phenanthroline and carboxylic acids: synthon competition and prediction. Tetrahedron Lett., 43, 8721-8725, 2002. With N. Shan and E. Bachelor.
287. New insights into the spatial distribution of of aluminium in various mesoporous aluminosilicates. ChemPhysChem., 3, 892, 2002. With E. M. Serwicka, R. Mokaya, J. Poltowicz.
286. Crystal engineering using 4,4 '-bipyridyl with di- and tricarboxylic acids. Cryst. Eng., 5, 9, 2002. With N. Shan and A. Bond.
285. Influence of dicarboxylic acid structure on tape networks in co-crystals of 2-pyridone. Cryst. Eng., 5(1), 25-36, 2002. With M. R. Edwards and W.D.S Motherwell.
284. Supramolecular synthons in the co-crystal structures of 2-aminopyrimidine with diols and carboxylic acids. Tetrahedron Lett., 43, 3101, 2002. With N. Shan.
283. Synthesis and X-ray crystal structures of bis(3-hydroxy-4 -methyl-2(3H)-thiazolethiolato-S-2,O)bis(dimethylsulfoxide-O)M, M=cobalt (II) and nickel (II). Transit. Metal Chem.,27, 407, 2002. With A. D. Bond.
282. Molecular dynamics simulation of cationic and anionic clays containing amino acids. Langmuir, 18, 2933, 2002. With S.P. Newman, T. Di Cristina and P. V. Coveney.
281. Structure prediction as a tool for solution of crystal structures of metallo-organic complexes using powder X-ray diffraction data. Acta Cryst., B58, 233, 2002. With A. Bond
280. Templating effects of stearate monolayer on formation of Mg-Al-hydrotalcite. Langmuir, 18, 1580, 2002. With J.X. He, S. Yamashita and A. Yamagishi
279. Synthesis of the 3R(2) polytype of a hydrotalcite-like mineral. J. Mater. Chem., 12, 153-437, 2002. With S. P. Newman, P. O'Connor and D. W. Stamines.
278. Modification of the solid-state structure of bis(1-hydroxy-2(1H)-pyridinethiolato-S-2,O)zinc(II): sythesis and characterisation of a molecular solid solution incorporating 3-hydroxy-4-methyl-2(3H) thiazolethione. J. Mater. Chem., 12, 324-155, 2002. With A. Bond and F. Benevelli L
(Top)277. Process for producing anionic clays using magnesium acetate. US Patent 6333290, 2001. With D. Stamires, M.F. Brady and F. Kooli.
276. Controlling crystal architecture in molecular solids: the supramolecular approach. In Supramolecular Organization and Materials Design, Cambridge University Press, eds. W. Jones and C.N.R. Rao. 12, 295-331, 2001.
275.Layered double hydroxides as templates for the formation of supramolecular structures. In Supramolecular Organization and Materials Design,Cambridge University Press, eds. W. Jones and C.N.R. Rao. 9, 295-331, 2001.
274. 1,4-Benzenedimethanol. Acta Cryst., E57, 1233, 2001. With N. Shan.
273. Diphenic acid-acridine (1/1). Acta Cryst., E57, 1075, 2001. With Z. Shaameri and N. Shan.
272. NTA-1,10-phenanthroline-water (1/1/1). Acta Cryst., E57, 811, 2001. With N. Shan and A.D. Bond.
271. Acridinium isophthalate. Acta Cryst., E57, 945, 2001. With Z. Shaameri and N. Shan.
270. Bis[3-hydroxy-4-methyl-2(3H)-thiazolethiolato-S2,O]-bis(methanol-O)cobalt(II). Acta Cryst., E57, 140, 2001. With A. D. Bond.
269. 4,7-Phenanthroline. Acta Cryst., E57, 145, 2001. With A.D. Bond and N. Shan.
268. Sebacic Acid. Acta Cryst., E57, 141, 2001. With A.D. Bond and M.R. Edwards.
267. Azelaic Acid. Acta Cryst., E57, 143, 2001. With A.D. Bond and M.R. Edwards.
266. ESR characterization of vanadium centers supported on Al-containing mesoporous silica. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 50, 61, 2001. With E. Bastardo-Gonzalez, K. Bahranowski, M. Labanowska and E.M. Serwicka.
265. Hillock formation on copper at room temperature by cleaning in ammonia vapor. App. Phys. Lett., 79, 2725, 2001. With P.J. Herley and A.L. Greer.
264. Divalent complexes of 3-hydroxy-4-methyl-2(3H)-thiazolethione with Co-Zn: synthesis, X-ray crystal structure and the structure-directing influence of C-H...S interactions. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 3045, 2001. With A. D. Bond.
263. Process for producing an anionic clay-containing composition. US Patent 6171991, 2001. With D. Stamires, M.F. Brady and F. Kooli.
262. Oxidation of cyclohexane over Mn(TMPyP) porphyrin-exchanged Al,SI-mesoporous molecular sieves. Applied Catalysis A, General 218, 211-217, 2001. With J. Poltowicz, E.M. Serwicka, E. Bastardo-Gonzalez and R.Mokoya.
261. Super-microporous aluminosilicate catalysts via primary amine templating. J. Chem. Soc., Chem.Comm., 1016, 2001. With E. Bastardo-Gonzalez and R Mokaya.
260. New Approach to the Delamination of Layered Double Hydroxides. J. Mater. Chem., 11, 1321, 2001. With T. Hibino.
259. Layered Double Hydroxide Intercalate of Metal-Chelate Complex - a Novel Precursor for the Formation of a Mixed Metal Oxide. Mol. Cryst. And Liq. Cryst., 356, 459-468, 2001. With M. Kaneyoshi
258. Crystal Engineering and Chloro-Methyl Intercahnge - a CSD Analysis. Mol. Cryst. And Liq. Cryst., 356, 337, 2001. With M.R. Edwards, W.D.S. Motherwell and G.P. Shields.
257. Synthesis and Characterisation of a Novel Zinc Pyrithione Hydrate. Mol. Cryst. And Liq. Cryst., 356, 305-313, 2001. With A.D. Bond.
256. Building Supramolecular Tapes. Mol. Cryst. And Liq. Cryst., 356, 263, 2001. With E. Batchelor and J. Klinowski.
255. Molecular Complexes beetween 2,2'-Biphenyl Dicarboxylic Acid and Phenazine: Anhydrous and Hydrated Forms. Mol. Cryst. And Liq. Cryst., 356, 131-142, 2001.
254. Organic-Inorganic Hybrids Based on Anionic Clays. Mol. Cryst. And Liq. Cryst.,356, 41-51, 2001. With S.P. Newman.
(Top)253. Structural and textural properties of zinc(II)-chromium(III) spinel oxides prepared using a hydrotalcite-like compound. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 129, 691, 2000. With E.L. Crepaldi, P.C. Pavan and J.B. Valim.
252. Cr-doped Zr, Si-mesoporous molecular sieves as catalysts of CH2C12 oxidation. Catalysis Today, 59, 3-4, 241, 2000. With J. Janas, R. Janik, T. Machej, E.M. Serwicka, E. Bielanska and E. Bastardo-Gonzalez.
251. The solid-state structure of 3-hydroxy-4-methyl-2(3H)-thiazolethione: prediction and measurement. Tetrahedron, 56, 6617, 2000. With A.D.Bond, N.Feeder and S.J.Teat.
250. Solid-state study of cyclic thiohydroxamic acids: 1-hydroxy-2(1H)-pyridinethione and 3-hydroxy-4-methyl-2(3H)-thiazolethione. J. Phys. Org. Chem., 13, 395, 2000. With A. Bond.
249. Restructuring of mesoporous silica: high quality large crystal MCM-41 via a seeded recrystallisation route. J. Mater. Chem., 10, 1139-1145, 2000. With R. Mokoya and W. Zhou.
248. A host-guest complex of diaquabis-[1-hydroxy-2(1H)-pyridinethionato-O,S]magnesium(II) and 2,2'-dithio-bis(pyridineN-oxide). Acta Cryst., C56, 436-437, 2000. With A. Bond.
247. Crystal Engineering using co-crystallisation of phenazine with dicarboxyllic acids. J. Mater. Chem. , 10, 839, 2000. With E. Batchelor and J. Klinowski.
(Top)246. Sodium nitrilotriacetatomagnesate pentahydrate. Acta Crystallogr., C55, 1260-1262, 1999. With M. Kaneyoshi and A. D. Bond.
245. 1-Hydroxy-2(1H)-pyridinethione. Acta Crystallogr., C55, 1536-1538, 1999. With A. D. Bond.
244. Grafting of Al onto purely siliceous mesoporous molecular sieves. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 1, 207, 1999. With R. Mokaya.
243. Efficient post-synthesis alumination of MCM-41 using aluminium chlorohydrate containing Al polycations. J. Mater. Chem., 9, 556-561, 1999.With R. Mokaya.
242. A method for the synthesis of high quality large crystal MCM-41. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 51-52, 1999. With R. Mokaya and W. Z. Zhou.
241. Comparative study of some layered hydroxide salts containing exchangeable interlayer anions. J. Solid State Chem., 148, 26-40, 1999. With S. P. Newman.
240. Formation of Mg-Al layered double hydroxides intercalated with nitrilotriacetate anions. J. Mater. Chem., 9, 805, 1999. With M. Kaneyoshi.
(Top)239. Chemistry of sulfate chloride perhydrates. Part III: The properties of 4NaSO4.NH4Cl.2H2O2. J. Mater. Chem., 8(8), 1911-1916, 1998.With S. Cosgrove.
238. Probing the surface acidity of lithium aluminium and magnesium aluminium layered double hydroxides. J. Mater. Chem., 8(8), 1917-1925, 1998. With I. C. Chisem, I. Martin, C. Martin and V. Rives.
237. Exchange of interlayer terephthalate anions from a Mg-Al layered hydroxide: formation of intermediate interstratified phases. Chem. Phys. Lett., 296, 183-187, 1998. With M. Kaneyoshi.
236. Vibrational modes in layered double hydroxides and their calcined derivatives. Chem. Phys., 236, 225-234, 1998. With W. Kagunya, R. Baddour-Hadjean and F. Kooli.
235. The influence of template extraction on the properties of primary amine templated aluminosilicate mesoporous molecular sieves. J. Mater. Chem., 8(12), 2819-2826, 1988. With R. Mokaya.
234. Al and Zr pillared acid-activated saponite clays: characterization and properties. J. Mater. Chem., 8(9), 2119-2124, 1998. With F. Kooli.
233. Aluminosilicate mesoporous molecular sieves with enhanced stability obtained by reacting MCM-41 with aluminium chlorohydrate. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1839-1840, 1998. With R. Mokaya.
232. Interlayer arrangement of hydrated MgAl layered double hydroxides containing guest terephthalate anions: Comparison of simulation and measurement. J. Phys. Chem. B., 102, 6710-6719. With S. P. Newman, S. J. Williams and P. V. Coveney.
231. Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of LayMOx (M=Ni, Co) perovskite-type particles intercalated in clay via heterobinuclea complexes. Applied Clay Science, 13, 49-63. With A. K. Ladavos, F. Kooli, S. Moreno, S. P. Skaribas and P. J. Pomonis.
230. Design and synthesis of host-guest complexes through non-covalent bonds. Tet. Lett., 39(30), 5409-5412. With V. R. Pedireddi, A. P. Chorlton and R. Docherty.
229. The synthesis, characterization and applications of layered double hydroxides containing organic guests. New J. Chem., 22, 105-115, 1998. With S. P. Newman.
228. Chemistry of sulfate chloride perhydrates. Part I: Thermal decomposition of 4Na2SO4.NaCl.2H2O2 and the formation of sodium sulfate(III). J. Mater. Chem., 8, 413-418, 1998. With S. Cosgrove.
227. Chemistry of sulfate chloride perhydrates. Part II: Reperhydration by H2O2. J. Mater. Chem., 8, 419-424, 1998. With S. Cosgrove.
226. Citraconic Acid. Acta Crystallogr., C54, 238-240, 1998. With E. Batchelor.
225. Synthesis and characterization of polyoxovanadate-pillared Zn-Al layered double hydroxides: an X-ray absorption and diffraction study. Inorg. Chem., 37(8), 1812-1820, 1998. With C. Barriga, P. Malet, V. Rives and M. A. Ulibarri.
224. Supramolecular chemistry and the synthesis of pillared layered solids. In Supramolecular Design Ed. K. Yamagishi, 1998. With F. Kooli, J. Bovey and S. Newman.
(Top)223. Cation ordering in synthetic layered double hydroxides. Clays Clay Miner., 45, 803 - 813, 1997. With M. Vucelic and G. Moggridge.
222. Physicochemical characterization and catalytic activity of primary amine templated mesoporous aluminosilicate catalysts. J. Catalysis, 172, 211-221, 1997. With R. Mokaya.
221. n-Heptane hydroconversion over aluminosilicate mesoporous molecular sieves. Catalysis Letters, 49, 87-94, 1997. With R. Mokaya, S. Moreno and G. Poncelet.
220. Post-synthesis grafting of Al onto MCM-41. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1997, 2105-2106. With R. Mokaya.
219. An alternative route to polyoxometalate-exchanged layered doublehydroxides: the use of ultrasound. J. Materials Science, 16, 27-29, 1997. With F. Kooli, V. Rives and M. A. Ulibarri.
218. Dependence of the properties of titanium-pillared clays on the host matrix: a comparison of montmorillonite, saponite and rectorite pillared materials. J. Mater. Chem., 7, 153-158, 1997. With F. Kooli and J. Bovey.
217. Theoretical methods for crystal structure determination. In Organic Molecular Solids: Properties and Applications, Ed. W. Jones, CRC Press, 1997, 113-148.
216. Reactivity and crystal design in organic solid state chemistry
in Organic Molecular Solids: Properties and Applications, Ed. W. Jones, CRC Press, 1997, 149-200.215. Synthesis and properties of terephthalate and benzoate intercalates of Mg-Al layered double hydroxides possessing varying layer charge. Chem. Mater., 8, 1969-1977, 1997. With F. Kooli, I. C. Chisem, M. Vucelic.
214. Simulation of layered double hydroxide intercalates. Adv. Mater., 9, 496-500, 1997. With A. M. Aicken, I. S. Bell and P. Coveney.
213. Reduction of Ni2+-Al3+ and Cu2+-Al3+ layered double hydroxidesto metallic Ni and Cu via polyol treatment. Chem. Mater., 9, 2231-2235, 1997. With F. Kooli and V. Rives.
212. Characterization and catalytic properties of a saponite clay modified by acid activation. Clay Minerals, 32, 633-643, 1997. With F. Kooli.
211. Systematic comparison of a saponite clay pillared with Al and Zr metal oxides. Chem. Mater., 9, 2913 - 2920, 1997. With F. Kooli.
210. Insertion of electrochemically reduced Keggin anions into layered double hydroxides. J. Mater. Chem., 7, 1937-1939, 1997. With E. M. Serwicka, P. Nowak, K. Bahranowski and F Kooli.
209. Studies of layered and channel complexes using combined thermogravimetry and mass Spectrometry. J. Thermal Analysis, 50, 757-766, 1997. With I. C. Chisem and S. D. Cosgrove.
(Top)208. Synthesis of acidic aluminosilicate mesoporous molecular sieves using primary amines. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 981-982, 1996. With R. Mokaya.
207. Creation of crystalline supramolecular arrays: A comparison of co-crystal formation from solution and by solid-state grinding. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 987-988, 1996. With V. R. Pedireddi, A. P. Chorlton and R. Docherty.
206. Thermal characteristics of layered double hydroxide intercalates- comparison of experiment and computer simulation. MRS Proceedings, 1996. With I. S. Bell, F. Kooli and P. V. Coveney.
205. Direct synthesis of acidic aluminosilicate mesoporous molecular sieves. MRS Proceedings, Microporous and Macroporous Materials, 431. Eds. R. F. Lobo et al., 1996, 83-88. With R. Mokaya.
204. Four omega-phthalimidoaliphatic peracids. Acta Crystallogr., C52, 1516-1520, 1996. With N. Feeder.
203. Structure of five omega-phthalimidoaliphatic carboxylic acids. Acta Crystallogr., C52, 913-919, 1996. With N. Feeder.
202. Structures of four p-amidoperbenzoic acids. Acta Crystallogr., C52, 919-923, 1996. With N. Feeder.
201. 3-Nitroacetophenone. Acta Crystallogr., C52, 1454-1456, 1996. With N. Feeder.
200. N-Saccharinperacetic acid monohydrate and N-saccharinpentanoic acid monohydrate. Acta Crystallogr., C52, 2323-2326, 1996. With N. Feeder.
199. Preparation and characterisation of Ti pillared acid activated clay catalysts. Clay Minerals, 31, 1996, 501-506. With J. Bovey and F. Kooli.
198. The incorporation of benzoate and terephthalate anions into layered double hydroxides. Synthesis of Microporous Materials: Zeolites, Clays and Nanostructures, Chapter 39, 1996, 641-665. With F. Kooli.
197. Catalytic materials. Patent Co-operation Treaty (PCT), WO 95/14530. With J. Bovey, E. Fowles, R. Mokaya and M. E. Davies.
196. Acidity and catalytic activity of the mesoporous aluminosilicate molecular sieve MCM-41. Catalysis Letters, 37, 113-120, 1996. With R. Mokaya, Z. Luan, M. D. Alba and J. Klinowski.
195. Creation of crystalline supramolecular assemblies using a C-H...O/O-H...N pair-wise hydrogen bond coupling. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 997-998, 1996. With V. R. Pedireddi, A. P. Chorlton and R. Docherty.
194. Acidity and catalytic activity of aluminosilicate mesoporous molecular sieves prepared using primary amines. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 983-984 1996. With R. Mokaya.
(Top)193. Characterisation of Al-pillared acid activated clay catalysts. J. Mater. Chem., 5, (11), 2027-2035, 1995. With J. Bovey.
192. Direct synthesis of polyoxovanadate-pillared layered double hydroxides. Inorg. Chem., 34, 6237-6238, 1995. With F. Kooli.
191. An ab initio approach to crystal structure determination using high-resolution powder diffraction and computational chemistry techniques: application to 6,13-dichlorotriphendioxazine. Chem. Mater., 2322-2326, 1995. With P. G. Fagan, R. B. Hammond, K. J. Roberts, R. Docherty, A. P. Chorlton and G. D. Potts.
190. ESCA, solid-state NMR, and X-ray diffraction monitor the hydrogen bonding in a complex of 1,8-bis(dimethylamino)naphthalene with 1,2-dichloromaleic acid. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 99, 14667-14677, 1995. With K. Wozniak, H. He, J. Klinowski and T. L. Barr.
189. Five salts of berberine. Acta. Crystallogr., C51, 1234-1240, 1995. With B. M. Kariuki.
188. Pillaring of layered double hydroxides possessing variable layer charge with vanadium polyoxoanions. MRS Symposium on Advances in Porous Materials, Eds., S. Komarneni, D. M. Smith and J. S. Beck, Vol. 371, 143-149, 1995. With F. Kooli, V. Rives and M. A. Ulibarri.
187. Some insights into the process of E-beam generation of metal nanoparticles from binary metal hydride and azide precursors. MRS Symposium, on Beam-Solid Interactions for Materials Synthesis and Characterization, Eds., D. E. Luzzi, T. F. Heinz, M. Iwaki, D. C. Jacobson, 1995. With P. J. Herley.
186. The thermal properties of terephthalate and benzoate intercalated LDH. J. Phys. Chem., 99, 8328-8337, 1995. With M. Vucelic and G. D. Moggridge.
185. Pillared clays and pillared acid-activated clays: A comparative study of physical, acidic and catalytic Properties. Journal of Catalysis, 153, 76-85, 1995. With R. Mokaya.
184. The microstructure of alumina pillared acid-activated clays. Journal of Porous Materials, 1, 97-110, 1995. With R. Mokaya.
183. Studies of copper hydride. Part 1: Synthesis and solid-state stability. J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans., 713-718, 1995. With N. P. Fitzsimons and P. J. Herley.
182. Studies of copper hydride. Part 2: Transmission electron microscopy. J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans., 719-724, 1995. With N. P. Fitzsimons and P. J. Herley.
181. Aldol condensation of acetaldehyde using calcined layered double hydroxides. Applied Clay Science, 10, 1995, 95-102. With W. Kagunya.
180. Intramolecular hydrogen bonding in N-Salicylideneanilines: X-Ray diffraction and solid-state NMR studies. J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans., 91, 77-85, 1995. With K. Wozniak, H. He, J. Klinowski, T. Dziembowska and E. Grech.
179. Structure of 9(10H)-acridone. Acta Crystallogr., C51, 267-268, 1995. With G. D. Potts.
178. Sodium 3-(2-chlorophenyl)propenoate dihydrate and tetraquamagnesium-bis[3-(2-hydroxyphenyl)propenoate]. Acta Crystallogr., C51, 1051-1053, 1995. With B. M. Kariuki, J. B. Valim and J. King.
177. Potassium hydrogen phthalate hemi-perhydrate. Acta. Crystallogr., C51, 1128-1130, 1995. With B. M. Kariuki.
176. Three polymorphs of potassium 4-sulphonato-benzoic acid. Acta. Crystallogr., C51, 867-871, 1995. With B. M. Kariuki.
(Top)175. Structures of two omega-oxo-omega (phenylamino) aliphatic acids. Acta. Crystallogr., C50, 1732-1734, 1994. With N. Feeder.
174. Structures of two saccharin peracids. Acta. Crystallogr., C50, 1347-1349, 1994. With N. Feeder.
173. Structures of four N-saccharinealiphatic acids. Acta. Crystallogr., C50, 1118-1122, 1994. With N. Feeder.
172. Ion-exchange properties of lithium aluminium layered double hydroxides. J. Mater. Chem., 4, 1737-1744, 1994. With I. C. Chisem.
171. Monohydrate sodium and hexa-aqua-magnesium p-chloro-trans-cinnamates. Acta. Crystallogr., C50, 1665-1667, 1994. With B. M. Kariuki, J. Valim and J. King.
170. Attractive inter- and intramolecular N...O interactions in N,N-Dipicrylamine and its ionic complexes. J. Phys. Chem., 98, 13755-13765, 1994. With K. Wozniak, H. He, J. Klinowski and E. Grech.
169. The crystal structure solution of triphendioxazine by a new ab initio technique utilising high resolution powder diffraction and computational chemistry. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 248, 277-289, 1994. With P.G. Fagan, K. J. Roberts, R. Docherty, A. P. Chorlton and G. D. Potts.
168. Comparative study of crystal packing in amido-benzoic and amido-perbenzoic acids. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 240, 231-239, 1994. With N. Feeder.
167. Effect of alkyl chain length on acid-amide hydrogen bonding. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 240, 225-230, 1994. With J. King.
166. Comparative study of the synthesis and properties of vanadate-exchanged layered double hydroxides. Inorg. Chem., 33, 2592-2599, 1994. With M. A. Ulibarri, F. M. Labajos, V. Rives, R. Trujillano and W. Kagunya.
165. The mechanism of chlorophyll adsorption on acid-activated clays. J. Solid State Chem., 111, 157-163, 1994. With R. Mokaya, M. Whittle and M. E. Davies.
164. Pillared acid-activated clay catalysts. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 929-930, 1994. With R. Mokaya.
163. Effect of intermediates on the nature of polyvanadate-intercalated layered double hydroxides. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 244, 167-172, 1994. With M. A. Ulibarri, F. M. Labajos, V. Rives, W. Kagunya and R. Trujillano.
162. Synthesis and structural characterization of LDH - organic intercalates. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 244, 155-160, 1994. With M. Chibwe and W. Kagunya.
161. The crystal structure of quinacridone: An archetypal pigment. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 2565-2566, 1994. With G. D. Potts, J. F. Bullock, S. J. Andrews and S. J. Maginn.
160. The reversible desorption of H2O2 from the inclusion channel complex 4Na2SO4.NaCl.2H2O2. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 2255-2256, 1994. With S. D. Cosgrove.
(Top)159. Structures of 6-oxo-6(phenylamino)hexanoic acid (two polymorphic forms) and 4-oxo-4(N-methyl)phenylamino) butanoic acid. Acta Crystallogr., C50, 816-820, 1994. With N. Feeder.
158. Crystal structure of (N-benzoyl)-3-aminopropanoic acid and (N-4-nitrobenzoyl)-6-aminohexanoicacid. Acta Crystallogr., C50, 813-816, 1994. With N. Feeder.
157. Crystal structures of two omega-phthalimidoaliphatic carboxylic acidmonohydrates. Acta Crystallogr., C50, 820-823, 1994. With N. Feeder.
156. The solid-state chemistry of acridizinium and 9-methylacridizinium salts. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 242, 227-240, 1994. With W. N. Wang.
155. The chemical and crystal changes accompanying the thermal decomposition of hexa-aquomagnesium monoperoxyphthalate. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. Sci. Tec. A, 248, 21-34, 1994. With B.M. Kariuki.
154. An investigation into the solid-state behaviour of anthraquinone and its derivatives. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 240, 217-224, 1994. With G. D. Potts.
153. Crystal structure of trimellitimide and N-ethyltrimellitimide. Acta Crystallogr., C50, 824-827, 1994. With N. Feeder.
(Top)152. The generation of nanoscale metal particles from metal azides: A high-resolution electron microscopic study. Zeit. fur Physik D., 26 5159-160, 1993. With P. J. Herley.
151. Nanoparticle generation by electron beam-induced atomisation of binary metal azides. Nanostructured Materials, 2, 553-562, 1993. With P. J. Herley.
150. Preparation of alumina-pillared acid-activated clays and their use as chlorophyll adsorbents. J. Mater. Chem., 3, 381-387, 1993. With R. Mokaya, M. E. Davies and M. E. Whittle.
149. Pillared acid-activated clays: synthesis, characterisation and application to chlorophyll adsorption. Proc. NATO-ASI on Multifunctional Mesoporous Inorganic Solids, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 425-432, 1993. With R. Mokaya.
148. Electron microscopic study of fine particles of beryllium. J. Materials Sciences, 28, 1874-1878, 1993. With P.J. Herley.
147. The microstructure of layered double hydroxides modified by controlled anion intercalation. Proc. NATO-ASI on Multifunctional Mesoporous Inorganic Solids, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 217-224, 1993. With W. Kagunya.
146. Crystal structures and polymorphism in aliphatic para-amidobenzoicacids. Acta Crystallogr., B49, 541-546, 1993. With N. Feeder.
145. Acid activation of clays and effect on adsorption properties. Ion Exchange Processes: Advances and Applications, Eds. A. Dyer, M. J. Hudson and P. A. Williams, Royal Society of Chemistry, 243-252, 1993. With R. Mokaya.
144. Chlorophyll removal from oil using clays and pillared clays. Ion Exchange Processes: Advances and Applications, Eds. A. Dyer, M. J. Hudson and P. A. Williams, Royal Society of Chemistry, 231-241, 1993. With R. Mokaya.
143. Pillared clays.
World Patent Application WO92/19533, Pillared Clays. With M. E. Davies, M. E. Whittle and R. Mokaya.142. Structure of hexa-aquacobalt hydrogenphthalate. Acta Crystallogr.,49, 2100-2102, 1993. With B. M. Kariuki.
141. The electron-beam sensitivity of binary metal azides. In Structure and Properties of Energetic Materials, Eds. R. W. Armstrong, J. J. Gilman and D. H. Liebenberg, Mat. Res. Soc., 296, 87-92, 1993. With P. J. Herley.
140. Solid-state 27Al NMR studies of LDH-intercalates. Proc. NATO-ASI on Multifunctional Mesoporous Inorganic Solids, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 373-378, 1993. With M. Vucelic.
(Top)139. The solid-state chemistry and polymorphism of aquomagnesium hydrogenphthalates. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 211, 233-256, 1992. With B. M. Kariuki.
138. Hydrogen bonding in acid-amides: influence of variable alkyl chain length. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 211, 111-124 1992. With N. Feeder.
137. The attempted simulation of layered double hydroxide intercalates through lattice energy minimisation. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 211, 257-270, 1992. With J. King.
136. Photoactivity of cinnamate-intercalates of layered double hydroxides. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 211, 271-282, 1992. With J. Valim, B. M. Kariuki and J. King.
135. Characterization of defects in p-terphenyl single crystals. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 211, 35-42, 1992. With M. Dudley, R. Disalvo, S.-Y. Hou and B. M. Foxman.
134. Synchrotron topography observations of a low temperature phase transition in an organic crystal. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 211, 43-50, 1992. With M. Dudley, R. Disalvo, J. Wu and D. Gordon-Smith.
133. Aspects of the synthesis of copper hydride and supported copper hydride. Catalysis Letters, 15, 83-94, 1992. With N. P. Fitzsimons and P. J. Herley.
132. Electron microscopic study of ultra-fine particles of silver resulting from the electron-beam-induced decomposition of silver azide. J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 88, 3213-3216, 1992. With P. J. Herley.
131. The synthesis and thermal characteristics of a synthetic hydrotalcite-like material. J. Mater. Chem., 2, 1069-1073, 1992. With L. Pesic, S. Salipurovic, V. Markovic, D. Vucelic and W. Kagunya.
130. The properties and applications of layered double hydroxides. Proc. NATO-ASI on Multifunctional Mesoporous Inorganic Solids, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 191-206, 1992. With M. Chibwe and J. Valim.
129. Chlorophyll adsorption by alumina-pillared acid-activated clays. J. Amer. Oil Soc., 70, 241-244, 1992. With R. Mokaya, M. E. Davies and M. E. Whittle.
128. Manganese porphyrins adsorbed on intercalated in different mineral matrices; preparation and compared properties as catalysts of alkene and alkane oxidation. New. J. Chem., 16, 71-80, 1992. With L. Barloy, J. P. Lallier, P. Battioni, D. Mansuy, Y. Piffard, M. Tournoux and J. B. Valim.
127. The synthesis of nanoscale metal particles produced by the beam induced decomposition of metal hydrides and azides in a transmission electron microscope. In Specimen Preparation for Transmission Electron Microscopy of Materials III, Eds. R. Anderson, J. Bravman and B. Tracy, Mat. Res. Soc., 254, 223-232, 1992. With P.J. Herley and N. P. Fitzsimons.
(Top)126. Structure of phenazine. Acta Crystallogr., C47, 1113, 1991. With K. Wozniak, B. Kariuki.
125. Process for the preparation of glycol ethers. European Patent Application No. EP 0 421 679 A1. With M. Chibwe, M. P. Atkins. Published 10.04.91, 23 pages.
124. Process for the preparation of catalysts. European Patent Application No. EP 0 421 678 A1. With M. P. Atkins, M. Chibwe. Published 10.04.91, 13 pages.
123. Process for the preparation of glycol ethers. European Patent Application No. EP 0 421 677 A1. With M. Chibwe, M. P. Atkins. Published 10.04.91, 13 pages.
122. Photochemistry and photophysics in clays and other layered solids. In Photochemistry in Condensed Phases, Ed. V. Ramamurphy, VCH 1991, 387-427.
121. Synthesis and characterisation of pillared acid-activated montmorillonites
in Synthesis of Novel Molecular Sieve Materials, Ed. R.L. Bedard, Mat. Res. Soc., 1991, Vol. 233, 81-88. With R. Mokaya, M. E. Whittle, M. E. Davies.120. Utilizing clays and other layered solids for the design of new materials. Science and Technology, Vol. 8, 45-52, 1991.
119. Crystallographic studies of intra- and intermolecular interactions. Part VII: Crystal and molecular structures of a complex of acridine pentachlorophenol: H-bonding effect on geometry of the pentachlorophenol moiety. J. Mol. Struct., 248, 331-343, 1991. With K. Wozniak, T. M. Krygowski, B. Kariuki.
(Top)118. Thermal decomposition of magnesium monoperoxyphthalate hexahydrate. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 186, 45-52, 1990. With B. Kariuki.
117. Crystallographic studies on sterically affected chemical species. Part II: Molecular and crystal structure of 1,8-bis(dimethylamino)-naphthalenetetrafluoroborate. Analysis of distortion of geometry in the aromatic part due to intramolecular hydrogen bonding. J. Mol. Struct., 240, 111-118, 1990. With K. Wozniak, T. M. Krygowski, B. Kariuki, E. Grech.
116. Crystallographic studies on sterically affected chemical species. Part III: Molecular and crystal structure of 1,8-bis(dimethylamino)-naphthalenetetrafluoroborate. Analysis of distortion of geometry in the aromatic part due to intramolecular hydrogen bonding. J. Mol. Struct., 240, 111-118, 1990. With K. Wozniak, T. M. Krygowski, B. Kariuki, E. Grech.
115. Crystallographic studies of intra- and intermolecular interactions. Part IV: Molecular and crystal structure of phthalazine semi-tetrafluoroborate; intramolecular changes in geometry as a consequence of H-bonding. J. Mol. Struct., 240, 119-125, 1990. With K. Wozniak, T. M. Krygowski, B. Kariuki, E. Grech.
114. Structure of 2,3-dimethylquinoxaline. Acta Crystallogr., C46, 1946, 1990. With K. Wozniak, T. M. Krygowski and B. Kariuki.
113. The synthesis, chemistry and catalytic applications of layered double hydroxides
in Pillared Layered Solids, Ed. I. V. Mitchell. Elsevier Applied Sciences, 1990, 67-78. With M. Chibwe.1989
(Top)112. Ultra-fine particles of aluminium formed by electron-beam induced decomposition of aluminium hydride. Materials Letters, 7, 441, 1989. With P. J. Herley and G. R. Millward.
111. Electron beam decomposition of copper hydride and the generation of ultra fine particles of copper. J. Materials Science Letters, 8, 1013-1015, 1989. With P. J. Herley and G. R. Millward.
110. Crystal structures of hexa-aquamagnesium hydrogen phthalate and hexa-aquamagnesium hydrogen phthalate dihydrate. Acta Crystallogr., C45, 1297, 1989. With B. Kariuki.
109. Intercalation of organic and inorganic anions into layered double hydroxides. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Comm., 926-927, 1989. With K. Chibwe.
108. Defect and phase analysis of scandium hydride by transmission electron microscopy. Materials Science and Engineering, A114, L1-L3, 1989. With P. J. Herley.
107. The influence of exchangeable aluminium ion concentration and of layer charge on the catalytic activity of montmorillonite clays. Catalysis Letters, 2, 125, 1989 With J. H. Purnell, J. M. Thomas, P. Diddams and J. A. Ballantine.
106. Synthesis of polyoxometalate pillared layered double hydroxides via calcined precursors. Chem. of Mater., 1, 489, 1989. With K. Chibwe.
105. The synthesis and catalytic applications of layered double hydroxides. Symposium on new catalytic materials; ACS Petroleum Chemistry Division, Miami, 1989, 34, 507-510, 1989. With K. Chibwe and J. B. Valim.
104. Metal hydrides as precursors for the generation of supported metal particles and alkali metal whiskers. Zeit. fur Phys: Chem. Neue Folge, 164, 1151-1156, 1989. With P.J. Herley.
(Top)103. The structure and properties of pillared clays. Catalysis Today, 2, 357-367, 1988.
102. Production of carbonyl compounds. UK Patent Application No. 8814151. With A. B. Holmes and G. C. Slim.
101. Proceedings of XI Simposio Iberoamericano de Catalisis, Guanajuato, Mexico, 583-589, 1988. With I. Rodriguez-Ramos and A. Guerrero-Ruiz.
(Top)100. Characterization of clays and pillared clays. Solid State Ionics, 24, 205-212, 1987. With D. T. B. Tennakoon, J. M. Thomas, J. H. Ballantine and J. H. Purnell.
99. Plasmon spectra of light-metal hydrides. Materials Letters, 5, 333-336, 1987. With P. J. Herley, T. G. Sparrow and B. G. Williams.
98. Synthesis and structure of DL-Camphor-10-sulponanilide and the N-Methylthiadizinedioxide. J. Chem. Soc. Pak., 9, 167-175 (1987). With R. J. Cremlyn, L. Wu and C. R. Theocharis.
97. The solid state chemistry of acridizinium salts. Tetrahedron, 43, 1273-1279, 1987. With W. N. Wang.
(Top)96. Trends and prospects in organic solid state chemistry. In Advances in solid state chemistry. Ed. C. N. R. Rao, Indian National Science Academy, 363-378, 1986. With J. M. Thomas.
95. Structural aspects of metal-oxide-pillared sheet silicates. An investigation by magic-angle-spinning NMR, FTIR and powder X-ray diffractometry. J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans I, 82, 3081-3095, 1986. With D. T. B. Tennakoon and J. M. Thomas.
94. Transmission electron microscopy of beam-sensitive metal hydrides. Zeit. fur Phys. Chemie, 147 147-158, 1986. With P. J. Herley.
93. Synthetic smectites and their stabilized pillared analogues. UK Patent Application No. 2164636.
92. ESR and X-ray diffraction studies of diacyl peroxides in urea and aluminosilicate hosts. J. Inclusion Phenomena, 5, 273-277, 1987. With M. D. Hollingsworth, K. M. D. Harris and J. M. Thomas.
91. Topotactic and topochemical photodimerization of benzylidenecyclopentanones. In Organic Solid State Chemistry, Ed. G. R. Desiraju, Elsevier, 47-68, 1987. With C. R. Theocharis.
90. Single-crystal study of the solid-state polymerization of butadiynlenebis(m-acetamidobenzene). J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans II, 1965-1967, 1986. With H. Nakanishi, H. Matsuda, M. Kato and C. R. Theocharis.
89. Use of modified layered clay catalysts in reactions capable of catalysis by protons. UK Patent Application No. 2179563. With J. A. Ballantine, P. A. Diddams, J. H. Purnell and J. M. Thomas.
88. Characterisation of clays and clay-organic systems. Cation diffusion and dehydroxylation.
J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans I, 82 545-562, 1986. With D. T. B. Tennakoon, J. M. Thomas, T. A. Carpenter and S. Ramdas.1985
(Top)87. Intercalates: Their role in heterogeneous catalysis. ACS Symposium Series on "The New Surface Science in Catalysis". Eds. M. L. Delviney and J. L. Gland. 472-484, 1985. With J. M. Thomas, D. T. B. Tennakoon, R. Schlogl and P. A. Diddams.
86. The influence of interlayer water on clay catalysts: Interlamellar conversions of 2-methylpropene. Chemistry Letters, 763-766, 1985. With J. A. Ballantine, J. H. Purnell, D. T. B. Tennakoon and J. M. Thomas.
85. Characterization of the whisker-like products formed by hydriding magnesium metal powders. J. Appl. Phys., 58, 292-296, 1985. With P. J. Herley and B. Vigeholm.
84. Structure of a 'doped' diacetylene that is polymerisable in the solid state. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Comm., 1334-1336, 1985. With C. R. Theocharis, H. Nakanishi, H. Matsuda, J. M. Thomas and M. Kato.
83. Study of the crystal and molecular structure of the 9-cyanoanthracene trans dimer and of itsmonomerisation. J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. I, 81, 857-874, 1985. With C. R. Theocharis.
(Top)82. Evidence for the formation of single crystals of sodium metal during the decomposition of sodium aluminium hydride: An electron microscopic study. Materials Letters, 2, 377-379, 1984. With T. G. Sparrow, B. G. Williams and P. J. Herley.
81. Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic activity of beidellite-montmorillonite layered silicates and their pillared analogues. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Comm., 1340-1342, 1984. With P. A. Diddams, J. M. Thomas, J. A. Ballantine and J.H. Purnell.
80. The influence of the preparation method on the stability of graphite intercalation compounds with antimony chloride in air. J. de Physique. 81, 877-886, 1984. With R. Schlogl.
79. The solid state photodimerization of 2,5-dibenzylidene-cyclopentanone (DBCP): A topochemical reaction that yields an amorphous product. J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Transactions II, 71-76, 1984. With C. R. Theocharis, J. M. Thomas, M. Motevalli and M. B. Hursthouse.
78. Reactions of platinum(II) acetylides with organolithium compounds: Formation of lithium-bridged dinuclear platinum(II) complexes and of trioanoplatinate(II) complexes. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Transactions, 747-756, 1984. With C. R. Theocharis, A. Sebald and B. Wrackmyer.
77. Crystal and molecular structure of the product of a single crystal to single crystal reaction. J. Cryst & Spect. Res., 14, 447-455, 1984. With C. R. Theocharis.
76. On the structure and properties of iron halide-graphite intercalates: A comparison of the reactivity of free and graphite-intercalated iron(III) chloride. J. Chem. Soc. Dalton, 1283-1292, 1984. With R. Schlogl.
75. The thermally-induced phase transition of crystalline 9-cyano-anthracene dimer: a single-crystal study. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Comm., 369-370, 1984. With C. R. Theocharis.
74. Efficient conversion of CO and H to acetylene at atmospheric pressure using a graphite-based catalyst. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Comm., 464-466, 1984. With R. Schlogl and J. M. Thomas.
73. Gasification of potassium intercalated and impregnated natural graphites. Fuel, 63, 1048-1058, 1984. With E. Ferguson and R. Schlogl.
72. The use of mixed crystals for engineering organic solid state reactions: application to benzylbenzylidenecyclopentanones. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 106, 3606-3609, 1984. With C. R. Theocharis and G. R. Desiraju.
71. An unusual photo-induced conformational polymorphism: a crystallographic study of bis(p-methoxy)-trans-stilbene. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Comm., 1291-1293, 1984. With C. R. Theocharis and C. N. R. Rao.
70. Crystal structure of crystal violet lactone. J. Cryst. Spect. Res., 14, 121-128, 1984. With C. R. Theocharis.
(Top)69. Observations on the structure, stability and transformations of the graphite : SbCl5 intercalate. Carbon, 21, 409-413, 1983. With J. M. Thomas, R. Schlogl and P. Korgul.
68. A study in real and reciprocal space of the electron beam induced decomposition of sodium aluminium hydride single crystals. Materials Letters, 1, 131-136, 1983. With P. J. Herley.
67. The characterization of clay-organic systems. Clay Minerals, 18, 357-373, 1983. With R. Schlogl, D. T. B. Tennakoon, T. Rayment, J. Klinowski and J. M. Thomas.
66. Application of reduction products of iron chloride intercalates as catalysts for the oxidation of SO2. Synthetic Metals, 7, 323-334, 1983. With R. Schlogl, H. P. Boehm and W. Breimeier.
65. The structure and stability of some metal halide graphite intercalates. Synthetic Metals, 7, 133-140, 1983. With R. Schlogl.
64. Transmission electron microscopic study of single crystals of Fe7C3. J. Crystal Growth, 63, 125-134, 1983. With M. Audier and P. Bowen.
63. Plasmon spectroscopy as an ultrasensitive microanalytical tool. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Comm., 1432-1434, 1983. With T. G. Sparrow, B. G. Williams, J. M. Thomas, P. J. Herleyand D. A. Jefferson.
62. Monitoring the course of intercalation by spectroscopic means. Insertion of gaseous SbCl into graphite. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Comm., 1330-1332, 1983. With R. Schlogl and J. M. Thomas.
61. Structural mimicry and the photoreactivity of organic solids. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Comm., 14431, 1983. With C. R. Theocharis, J. M. Thomas and G. R. Desiraju.
60. Improvements in catalysts: catalysts based on intercalates. UK Patent Application No. 2151 154, 1983. With R. Schlogl and J. M. Thomas.
59. Electron Microscopic and Mossbauer study of the iron carbides Fe3C and Fe5C2 formed during the disproportion of CO. J. Crystal Growth, 64, 291-296, 1983. With M. Audier and P. Bowen.
58. Interpreting and predicting the photochemistry of solid cyclopentanone derivatives. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 93, 41-51, 1983. With S. K. Kearsley, N. Moulden and J. M. Thomas.
57. The photodimerisation of crystalline 2,5 dibenzylidenecyclo-pentanone. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 93, 53, 1983. With C. R. Theocharis and J. M. Thomas.
56. Microstructure and stability of iron chloride graphites. J. Chem. Soc. Faraday I, 79, 1793-1818, 1983. With R. Schlogl, H. P. Boehm, P. Bowen and G.R. Millward.
55. The microstructure, molecular constituents, and stability of the graphite-antimony pentachloride intercalate. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Comm., 468-369, 1983. With P. Korgul, R. Schlogl and J. M. Thomas.
54. The principles of chemical conversion of organic molecules using sheet silicate intercalates. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., 92, 27-41, 1983. With D. T. B. Tennakoon, J. M. Thomas and L. J. Williamson.
53. Structural characterisation of catalytically important clay-organic intercalates. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 93 147-155, 1983. With D. T. B. Tennakoon, J. M. Thomas, T. Rayment and J. Klinowski.
(Top)52. Phonon spectroscopy of photochemical reactions in organic solids. Photodimerisation of (2-benzyl-5-benzylidenecyclopentanone and photopolymerization of 2,5-distyrlpyrazine. J. Phys. Chem., 86, 1764-1767, 1982. With J. Swiatkiewicz, G. Eisenhardt, P. N. Prasad, J. M. Thomas and C. R. Theocharis.
51. A new approach to the determination of absolute configuration. Nature, 296, 11 1982.
50. Crystal and molecular structures of 2-(p-methylbenzyl)- and 2-(p-chlorobenzyl)-5-(p-bromobenzylidene)cyclopentanone. Influence of chloro and methyl substitution on solid-state reactivity. J. Cryst. & Spectros. Res., 12, 377-389, 1982. With C. R. Theocharis, M. Motevalli and M. B. Hursthouse.
49. The binding capacity of ferric hydroxides for non-apatite inorganic phosphorus in sediments of the depositional basins of Lakes Erie and Ontario. Canad. Mineral., 20, 169-176, 1982. With P. G. Manning.
48. A preliminary diffraction study of electron-beam induced decomposition in AlH3. J. Materials Science Letters, 1, 163-166, 1982. With P. J. Herley.
(Top)47. 2-Benzyl-6-benzylidene-cyclohexanone - a photodimerizable crystal. Acta Crystallogr., B37, 758-760, 1981. With H. Nakanishi and C. R. Theocharis.
46. Mossbauer investigations of some chemical treatments of iron surfaces. J. Chem. Soc. Dalton, 1450-1455, 1981. With F. J. Berry, M. E. Brett and P. Bowen.
45. Static and dynamic single-crystal x-ray diffraction studies of some solid-state photodimerization reactions. J. Phys. Chem., 85, 3636-3642, 1981. With H. Nakanishi, J. M. Thomas and M. B. Hursthouse.
44. Crystal engineering of photodimerizable cyclopentanones. Comparison of chloro and methyl substitution as solid-state steering groups. J. Phys. Chem., 85, 2594-2597, 1981. With S. Ramdas, C. R. Theocharis, J. M. Thomas and N. W. Thomas.
43. New intercalates of graphite: Sn Mossbauer spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometry of lamellar compounds containing Me3SnCl and SnCl4. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Comm., 677-678, 1981. With P. Bowen and J. M. Thomas.
42. Preparation and characterization of new intercalates formed between graphite and iron carbonyl compounds. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Comm., 679-680, 1981. With P. Bowen, J. M. Thomas, R. Schlogl and H. P. Boehm.
41. Imaging the various stages in graphite-iron chloride intercalates. Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No. 61, 399 -402, 1981. With G. R. Millward, J. M. Thomas and R. Schlogl.
40. Ferric hydroxides in surficial sediments of the Great Lakes and their role in phosphorus availability. Canadian Mineralogist, 19, 525-530, 1981. With P. G. Manning and T. Birchall.
39. 2-p-Chlorobenzyl-5-benzylidene-cyclopentanone - a photodimerizable crystal. Acta Crystallogr., B37, 756-758, 1981. With C. R. Theocharis and H. Nakanishi.
(Top)38. An electron microscopic study of some 9-substituted anthracenes. Inst. Phys. Conf. Series No. 52, 303-306, 1980. With W. L. Rees, M. J. Goringe and J. M. Thomas.
37. Electron microscopy at liquid helium temperatures. Electron Microscopy at Molecular Dimensions, eds. W. Baumeisterand W. Vogell, Springer , 208-225, 1980. With G. M. Parkinson and J. M. Thomas.
36. Use of Mossbauer spectroscopy for catalyst characterization. Characterisation of Catalysts, Eds. J. M. Thomas and R. M. Lambert (John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 114-134, 1980.
35. Topochemical single-crystal-to-single-crystal photodimerization. Chem. Phys. Letters., 71, 44-48, 1980. (With H. Nakanishi and J. M. Thomas.
34. Engineering organic crystals so as to control the photoreactivity of the reactants and the crystallinity of the products. J Chem. Soc., Chem. Comm., 610 -611, 1980. With H. Nakanishi, C. R. Theocharis and J. M. Thomas.
33. Monitoring the crystallographic course of a single-crystal-to-single-crystal photodimerization by X-ray diffractometry. J Chem. Soc., Chem. Comm., 611-612, 1980. With H. Nakanishi, J. M. Thomas and M. B. Hursthouse.
32. Mossbauer spectral studies of iron-enriched sediments from Hamilton Harbor, Ontario. Canadian Mineralogist, 18, 291-299, 1980. With P. G. Manning and T. Birchall.
31. Diffusionless reactions in organic solids. 9th Int. Symp. on Reactivity of Solids, Cracow. Eds. K. Dyrek, J. Haber and J. Nowotny, Elsevier 551-575, 1980. With J. M. Thomas.
(Top)30. Concerning the extent of solid-state metal exchange between cobalt (II) chloride and tris (oxinato) iron (III). Inorg. Nucl. Chem. Letters, 15, 191-193, 1979. With H. E. Le May Jr and L. A. Ash.
29. Topochemically controlled solid-state polymerization. Proc. Roy. Soc., A369, 307-325 (1979). With H. Nakanishi, J. M. Thomas, M. Hasegawa and W.L. Rees.
28. 2,5-Distryrlpyrazine (DSP) and 1,4-Bis[2-(2-pyridylvinyl)]benzene(P2VB) (4:6); a photopolymerizable mixed crystal. Acta Crystallogr., B35, 3103-3106, 1979. With H. Nakanishi and G. M. Parkinson.
27. The characterisation of dislocations in, and photoreactivity of crystalline 9-cyanoanthracene. J. Chem. Soc. Faraday II, 75, 806-809, 1979. With W.L. Rees, M.J. Goringe and J. M. Thomas.
26. Topotactic and topochemical conversions of distyrylpyrazine. Israel J. Chem., 18, 261-265, 1979. With H. Nakanishi, G. M. Parkinson, J. M. Thomas and M. Hasegawa.
25. The study of organic crystals by transmission electron microscopy. Norelco, 26, 28-37, 1979.
24. Depth profiled 57Fe conversion electron Mossbauer spectra. A new method for distinguishing overlayer and substrate signals. Surface Sci., 79, L333-L336, 1979. With L. A. Ash and M.J. Tricker.
23. Depth-resolved 57Fe conversion electron Mossbauer of iron implantion in aluminium. J. Mater. Sci., 14, 751-754 (1979). With M.J. Tricker and G. A. Gard.
22. On the anomalous inertness to oxidation of the surface regions ofvivianite: a 57Fe conversion electron and transmission Mossbauer study. J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 41, 891-893, 1979. With L. A. Ash and M.J. Tricker.
(Top)21. The study of topochemical conversions and phase transitions in organic crystals by electron diffraction. Inst. of Phys. Conf. Ser. No. 41, 172-177, 1978. With G. M. Parkinson, W. Rees, M.J. Goringe, S. Ramdas, J. M.Thomas and J. O. Williams.
20. The role of orientational defects in the photodimerisation of 1,5-dichloroanthracene. Chem. Phys. Letters, 57, 468-470, 1978. With S. Ramdas, J. M. Thomas and J. P. Desvergne.
19. Application of electron microscopy to organic solid-state chemistry. Prog. Solid State Chem., 12, 101-124, 1979. With J. M. Thomas.
18. Novel approach to the determination of the crystal structure of organic molecular crystals: low-temperature form of pyrene. Chem. Phys. Letters., 54, 490-493, 1978. With S. Ramdas and J. M. Thomas.
17. Conversion electron Mossbauer spectroscopy and the study of surface properties and reactions. Applications of Surface Science, 2, 388, 1978. With J. M. Thomas, R.K. Thorpe and M.J. Tricker.
16. On the nature of the solid-state polymerization of distyrylpyrazine. J. Chem. Research, 42-43, 1978.
15. Electron microscopic study of the low-temperature phase change in pyrene. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 41, 103-107, 1978. With M. D. Cohen.
(Top)14. An electron microscopic study of some solid-state polymerization processes. Proceedings 35th EMSA Meeting, Boston,170-171, 1977. With J. M. Thomas and D. A. Livesley.
13. Electron microscopic study of some photo-induced reactions in organic solids. Proceedings of the VIth European Congress on Electron Microscopy, Jerusalem, 492-493, 1976.
12. Characterization of extended faults in organic molecular crystals using the transmission electron microscope. EMAG 75, Institute of Physics, Bristol 1975, Developments in Electron Microscopy, ed. J. A. Venables, Academic Press) pp.325-. With G. M. Parkinson, M.J. Goringe, J. M. Thomas and J. O. Williams.
11. Electron induced damage in organic molecular crystals: some observations and theoretical considerations. EMAG 75, Institute of Physics, Bristol 1975, Developments in Electron Microscopy, ed. J. A. Venables, Academic Press) 292-. With G. M. Parkinson, M.J. Goringe, W L Rees, J. M. Thomas and J. O. Williams.
10. Interaction of high energy electrons with organic crystals - problems associated with the study of defects. Surface and Defect Properties of Solids, 5, 65-80, 1976.
9. The electron-beam induced monomerization of dipara-anthracene. J. Microscopy, 107, 151-154, 1976.
8. The characterization of dislocations in organic molecular crystals by transmission electron microscopy. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 32, 39-42, 1976. With J. M. Thomas, J. O. Williams, M.J. Goringe and L.W.Hobbs.
7. Electron beam induced transformation in an organic molecular crystal. Materials Research Bulletin, 10, 1031-1036, 1976. With J. M. Thomas and J. O. Williams.
6. Electron microscopy of organic crystals. Pentacol, 13, 1975.
5. Electron and optical microscopic studies of a stress induced phase transition in 1,8-dichloro-10-methylanthracene. Philosophical Magazine, 32, 1, 1975. With J. M. Thomas and J. O. Williams.
4. Electron microscopic studies of extended defects in organic molecularcrystals. J. Chem. Soc. Faraday II, 71, 138-145, 1975. With J. M. Thomas and J. O. Williams.
3. Real space crystallography and defects in molecular crystals. J. Materials Science, 10, 379, 1975. With J. O. Williams.
2. Solid-State Organic Chemistry. Pentacol, Journal of Chemistry of the University of Wales, 12, 1974.
1. Electron and optical microscopic studies of photo-induced reactions in aromatic solids. Proc. 7th Int. Symp. Reactivity of Solids, 1972, ed. J. S. Anderson, F. S. Stone and M. W. Roberts (Chapman and Hall, London, 1972), 515-524. With J. O. Williams and J .M. Thomas.
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