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Past Members |
University of Cambridge > Department of Chemistry > Group Home |
Name | Dates | Research | Last known position |
Dr. Alexandra Simperler | 2004-2006 | Quantum Chemical Studies on Amorphous Carbohydrates | Accelrys, Cambridge |
Dr. Arnaud Bonnet | 2002-2005 | Structure Investigation in Amorphous Compounds | London |
Dr. Nilwala Svetlana Kottegoda | 2002-2005 | Synthesis, Characterisation and Exfoliation of Layered Double Hydroxides | Univeristy of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka |
Dr. Andrew Trask | 2003-2005 | Pharmaceutical Cocrystallisation | New York |
Dr. Graeme Day | 2003-2005 | Developing methods of Crystal Structure Prediction | Fellow, University of Cambridge |
Dr. Delia Haynes | 2002-2005 | Investigation of the Effect of Counterions on the Crystal Structure and Properties of Organic Drug-like Molecules. | University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa |
Dr. Chris Greenwell | 2000-2003 | Organo-Layered Double Hydroxide Materials: New Synthetic Routes and Computer Simulation | University College, London |
Dr. Ning Shan | 2000-2003 | Supramolecular Chemistry in Organic Crystals | Singapore |
Atkins Mucherahowa | 2001-2002 | Improved Sythesis and Characterisation of Anionic Clays | London, UK |
Dr. Marc Edwards | 1999-2001 | Structural Investigations into Organic Solids | UK |
Samson Sajidu | 2000-2001 | Analysis of Dehydroxylation of Aluminas | University of Malawi, Malawi |
Dr. Elaine Batchelor | 1995-2000 | Synthesis and Characterisation of Organic Solids | Stevenage, UK |
Dr. Toshiyuki Hibino | 1999-2000 | Synthesis and Characterisation of Layered Double Hydroxides | N.I.R.E., Tsukaba, Japan |
Dr. Ernesto Bastardo | 1995-2000 | Study of Substituted Mesoporous Molecular Sieves | University of Caraccas, Venezeula |
Dr. Andrew Bond | 1997-2000 | Prediction and Measurement of the Crystal Structures of Molecular Materials | University of Cambridge, U.K. |
Dr. Steven Newman | 1995-2000 | Synthesis and Simulation of Layered Double Hydroxides | Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London |
Dr. Robert Mokaya | 1990-2000 | Synthesis and Characterisation of Novel Solid Acid Materials | University of Nottingham, UK |
Eduardo Crepaldi | 1999 | Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxides | University of Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Dr. Masami Kaneyoshi | 1997-1999 | Synthesis and Application of Layered Inorganic Materials | Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Takefu-shi, Japan |
Dr. Stephen Cosgrove | 1992-1996 1997-1998 | Crystal Chemistry and Stability of Perhydrates | Astra Pharmaceuticals, Loughborough, UK |
Dr. Sylvie Bonnet | 1997 | Phosphonate LDHs | France |
Zurina Shaarmeri | 1996 - 1997 | Supramolecular Chemistry | Kuala Lumpa, Malaysia |
B. J. Zhang | 1997 | Layered MoO3 materials | University of Bath, UK |
Dr. Fathi Kooli | 1994 - 1997 | Layered Materials | N.I.R.I.M., Tsukuba, Japan |
Dr. Kazumasa Honda | 1996 | Crystallography | N.I.M.C.R., Tsukuba, Japan |
Dr. V. R. Pedireddi | 1994 - 1996 | Supramolecular Chemistry | J.N.C.A.S.C.R, Jakkur, Bangalore, India |
Dr. Krzysztof Wozniak | 1994 - 1995 | Physicochemical studies of weak interactions | University of Warsaw, Poland |
Dr. F. (Paco) Labajos | 1994 | Layered Materials | University of Salamanca, Spain |
Dr. Janet Bovey (now Chisem) | 1992 - 1996 | Pillared Clays | Unilever Research, Wirral |
Dr. Ian Chisem | 1992 - 1996 | Lithium Aluminium LDHs | MEL Chemicals, Manchester, UK |
Dr. Masha Vucelic | 1991 - 1994 | Structure and dynamics of LDHs | Switzerland |
Dr. John King | 1990 - 1994 | Crystal Chemistry of Organic Acid Amides | Royal Bank of Scotland, Tokyo, Japan |
Dr. Graham Potts | 1990 - 1994 | Crystal Chemistry of Organic Pigments | Banking in London, UK |
Dr. Neil Feeder | 1989 - 1992 1992 - 1993 |
Organic peracids and solid state reactions | Pfizer Pharmaceutical R&D, Sandwich, Kent. |
Dr. Winnie Kagunya | 1989 - 1992 | Layered Double Hydroxides | Unilever Research, Wirral, UK |
Dr. Joao Barras Valim | 1989 - 1990 | Photolysis of organic LDHs | University of Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Dr. Nuala Fitzsimons | 1988 - 1993 | Copper Hydride Chemstry | South Africa |
Dr. Gabrielle Walker | 1988 - 1992 | Potassium Hydride | New Scientist Magazine |
Dr. Malama (Kenedy) Chibwe | 1986 - 1989 | Mixed Metal Oxides | Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, USA |
Dr. Benson Kariuki | 1987 - 1990 | Structure and Reactivity of Organic salts | University of Birmingham, UK |
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Website designed and maintained by Sharon Mitchell. Last updated: September 2006